December 2, 2009

A Question of Integrity

A Question of Integrity
During a client-intake session with Amanda, a recent college graduate, she told me her current job title was "Director of External Public Relations." I couldn't help but think that was an impressive title for a 22-year-old. After prodding a little, I discovered the real story. It just so happens that this particular client worked for her aunt in a two-person office and there were occasions when she wrote press releases and spoke to reporters regarding the latest company happenings.

Though she did participate in public relation activities, the title of Director of External Public Relations was a bit of a stretch. An employer would have had the same reaction I did. He or she would have doubted her claims and as a result, wouldn't have bothered calling her in for an interview.

Lesson Learned: Your resume has to be believable. If an employer has any inkling you are being deceitful, your resume will go in the trash. And even if you are able to get through the resume review and interview process with half-truths, be warned: once hired, you will be expected to deliver.

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