September 2, 2024

Resume Preparation

Resume Preparation

There are several good books on creating resumes. Visit your public library to find a good selection of current books on creating high impact resumes. If near campus, career services usually have informed guidance as well as access to some hard copy materials. Resume guides need not be LIS specific and few are.

The most common reasons [ranked] for rejecting a resume.
From a survey of 2,500 recruiters/headhunters:

Spelling errors, typos, and poor grammar [often leads to automatic rejection]
No clear sense of specific accomplishments
Missing or inaccurate dates [include month and year for employment]
Missing or inaccurate contact data
Poor formatting
Functional rather than chronological arrangement
Too long for accomplishments
Long, dense paragraphs
Inadequate qualifications -- does not match requireds
Inclusion of irrelevant personal information such as interests or hobbies
Missing employer information
Misleading or lying re: qualifications
Generic, fuzzy, or irrelevant career objectives, goals, and introduction
Poor font choice or style
Use of inappropriate or difficult to open digital format such as a ZIP file
Irrelevant images, graphics, or URLs
Inadequate summary of skills and accomplishments
Written in the first or third person
Unexplained gaps in employment
Burying important information
What can you do to avoid these common problems?

A Cautionary Note
In today's Internet world, employers often Google to see if candidates have a website or are visible on the web. The appearance and intellectual content on your website may make quite an impression on the prospective employer. That impression could be negative or positive. Some academic librarians have reported "dumping" applications of candidates after a website visit disclosed behavior that seemed unprofessional, inappropriate or simply not a good fit for the library. To some degree, the same is true for "cute" email names when found on the resume or cover letter. Avoid "trainluver" or "wildlibman" or whatever in business correspondence.

One of the tenets of the search is that you don't want to be employed by someone if that requires that you change something important to you. In that sense, perhaps it is better for the "real you" to be revealed on your website. You don't want to "sell out," but your student or personal website may not introduce you as a thoughtful and thoroughly professional individual. Note that tattoos and body-piercings are not always acceptable to some employers so website images might be a problem.

Take Your Time
Allocate enough time to do a superior job. The resume is not a first draft, last draft effort. In a very real sense, the resume is YOU. If it is not well done, readers may assume that you are not an organized, competent information professional. LIS professionals are supposed to be patient and attentive to detail. The resume is a basic personal document that you will maintain for your career. Be certain to get it right in the beginning.

Many reports by those who select candidates for a positions, including LIS ones, indicate that most resumes are scanned rather than read. This is because there are too many applicants for each resume to be read carefully word by word. This fact emphasizes the importance of a scanable, easy to find key elements, format. The top half of the first page may be as much as the reader scans before making a toss or keep decision. What does the first half of the first page of your resume say? Is there something there that will appeal to the potential employer? Anything to make you standout [positively!] from the other applicants?

Since you already have the information needed (remember your biofile), your first resume decision is format. Unhappily, there is no one standard format for the several information professions, and there are several formats to select from. The resume books--available at Hodges (try the HF 5383s) and the Career Center as well as your friendly public library or book store--give a variety of examples.

Many information agencies are traditional and conservative and prefer the time-honored chronological format. This is the most common form of resume. That's what I discuss below. However, a narrative or functional resume can make a difference, especially with a less traditional employer who is tired of "look alike" resumes. Discuss format assets and liabilities with your academic advisor. In general, functional resumes work best when you have had considerable experience and can point to notable accomplishments. If you are working in an information agency, ask those who have been involved in hiring decisions to comment on which format they prefer and why.

The functional format works well for those with substantial employment experience who can point to accomplishments and specific skills. This format is often organized around specific skills elements and then focuses on the accomplishments seen as examples of success. Business oriented resume books provide good examples.

Relate Format to Strengths
Some resume experts suggest that the elements in a particular format should be arranged in the order that best matches what the employer is looking for while focusing on your strengths. Thus, candidates (that's what you become when you apply for a professional position) with considerable professional or pre-professional work experience place employment experience before their educational experience. You do not have to slavishly follow any particular model. Format models are suggestions and not prescriptions. However, you must be consistent. Clearly, but briefly, indicate how your previous skills and experience relate to the position and successful performance on the job. Examples of strength might be in communication, supervision, planning, or evaluation. Solid, concrete [specific and skill and accomplishment focused] examples work best.

The resume must be good enough to get you to the interview. Once you get to the interview, your experience, personality, knowledge, charm and whatever can be demonstrated. But first you have to get to the interview.

Resume Used to Filter Candidates
For a position where there are many applicants, typical of most entry level positions in an academic library, for example, the resume (and the cover letter) are first used negatively. One way to reduce 247 applications to the 3, 6, or 9 normally considered finalists is to discard any resume with an error in it. That error might include inappropriate information, a typo, grammatical problem, incorrect spelling, poor physical copy--anything that suggests to the reader that the person who prepared this resume is not accurate and careful. Be certain that your resume is perfect in its presentation. Do not trust your spell or grammar checker. Use both but also check by reading aloud and having a thoughtful colleague proofread.

Filtering also compares the "requireds" in the position announcement with the skills and experiences found on the resume. If there is not a good match, your resume will be rejected.

Employer Perspective
The resume is a marketing presentation. It is designed to sell you: to convince an employer that you are the best candidate for the position. Look at your resume as if you were an employer. Does it provide the information that you need to make a decision? Are the skills needed to be successful in the position clearly visible? Does this candidate clearly standout from the others? Would this candidate help the library to be more successful?

The Chronological Resume
Typical major elements (in sequence) include complete contact block, career objectives (if yours is narrowly focused), educational experience (reverse chronological order), employment history (reverse chronological order), information technology skills/experience, professional activities, and references.

Contact Block
This section includes an email address that will be active while you are searching for a position as well as your telephone number. If you will be moving, place your local street address with an "until statement" included as well as the address where you will be after you move. An answering machine may be useful if you expect to receive calls from potential employers and are not likely to be at home between 9.00 a.m. and 5.00 p.m.

Personal data
Federal and state legislation generally prohibit the use of information about your age, marital status, race, ethnic background, religion, or physical condition. These elements should not appear on your resume. They may appear on application forms or in the interview situation and will require some consideration then. For the same reasons, do not attach a photograph to your resume.

Career Objectives
Most SIS students do not include the career objective statement because it is too restrictive. This element works best when you will only be applying for a particular type of position. For example, if you are only applying for map librarian positions, include the objectives. If you are seeking gainful employment in a variety of settings, it is difficult to construct a career objective statement that is broad enough to cover the likely possibilities and still seems like a reasonable career objective. One could create an individualized objective for each position application, but it needs to have a clear career focus.

If you do include a career objective statement, focus on what you would wish to do rather than what you would like to be. Employers seek candidates to perform certain tasks and match what they need to have done with a "to do" in your career objective statement. For example, in your statement you mention that you want to prepare digital pathfinders and bibliographies and the employer is looking for someone to do that.

Educational History
This section comes first when information agency work experience is limited. Otherwise, it would follow work history. For start and end dates use whole years and for work history. If you created an individualized academic emphasis or focus, add an emphasis statement after the degree ("with an emphasis on collection development and reference services").

Academic Honors
Academic honors may go here or may be placed under an honors and awards heading later in the resume. Unless your honors are many, better to place them here. Most information agency employers are not particularly interested in your GPA, so do not include it. If this seems important to you, include it, but you might want to check with area information professionals first to see what they say.

Don't Include High School
Unless you went to a prestigious prep school or are applying for a position with a local library, begin educational history with college.

Continuing Education and Professional Training
Continuing education and workshop experiences may appear under education unless you have several entries.

Employment history
Some prefer "Experience" or "Professional Experience." In some cases, it may be helpful to briefly include the size of the place where your worked, the number of people supervised, and your budget. Provide enough information about each position so that the employer clearly understands where you worked, for how long, and exactly what you did. Emphasize aspects of a job that involved responsibility, supervision, initiative, evaluation, and planning. Emphasize accomplishments and skills more than responsibilities. What did you accomplish while in this position? {for the interview later, what did you learn or what skills did you gain from each position?} Focus on those tasks that are similar [transferable skills] to what information professionals do. Don't assume that your employer knows what a "reference assistant," for example, does. Provide specifics and be concrete. Use action verbs as much as possible.

Include part-time positions. If you have had several relatively short part-time positions, you may wish to place them together under a sub-heading. Employers often want to account for your time. Also be prepared to discuss why you left each position.

Substantial time gaps in the resume may lead to questions during the interview. Since library work is normally a second or third career, often undertaken after family responsibilities have lessened, it is normal for there to be a substantial gap in your career path. Typically, only recent gaps in employment will receive attention. Be direct when responding to questions. Often, this can be handled in the cover letter rather than in the resume with a sentence explaining why you left a previous position. No need for extensive explanations, especially about family or personal situations.

Practicum Experience
Ordinarily, the practicum experience would also appear under the employment heading. Substantial volunteer experience might also be included here depending upon the level of the experience. As a general rule, experience more than ten years old should receive less emphasis.

Language Competency
Interest in foreign language competency ebbs and flows. At the moment, there is increased interest in some research-oriented information agencies. Typically, employers are interested in your ability to read the language rather than speak it. Be honest in rating your degree of competency.

Information Technology Competency.
This is important to employers today. Multi-platform experience is desirable. Do not list every software program you have ever used. Limit yourself to hardware/software with which you are genuinely competent. Note the importance of indicating what you can do with software/hardware such as create an award-winning website rather than merely listing names.

Professional activities
These vary in importance. In some environments, being a member of the appropriate professional organization is seen as evidence of professional commitment. In others, it doesn't seem to make much difference. Include professional activities with the date membership began. If an officer or responsible for some activity, include that too. The SIS student memberships have little value here, but student dues-paying membership in the parent organization does.

This section is generally not included on resumes. Public librarians, however, often find interests to be professionally relevant if they provide evidence of community engagement. Obviously, if you are interested in model railroading and the employer is a model railroader you could benefit. Still, most employers don't care about your interest in reading, listening to Latvian folk songs, or whatever. Interests with linkage to information activities are probably the most useful. Specific interests (performing Celtic fiddle music) are more useful than general ones (love to read).

These are crucial to your success in finding the right position. Having the right mix of references is essential. One of the virtues of the digital age is that you can have a pool of references and use just the right ones when you apply for a particular position. Place references on a separate sheet that is attached to the resume.

If the references are not attached, the employer must contact you to obtain them. This delays the process, especially if the employer has difficulty in reaching you. Include full street address and telephone number for each reference. Do include email address and fax number if available.

With few exceptions, employer references have more value than those from faculty since faculty have had little opportunity to observe on the job skills and habits.

Structure and Length
The structure -- what the resume looks like when you can't actually read every word -- must be clear and logical. Each section should stand out and the elements under each entry should be logical and follow the same template. Does each page look balanced and attractive?

The resume needs to be long enough to include the information that the employer needs. With more experience, education, activities, references, or whatever, your resume will need to be longer. For a typical SIS graduate who has already had reasonable full-time employment, two pages will be about right. References would be attached as a third page. Your full name should appear in a header on the second and following pages.

Be concise and use a telegraphic style. Resume books emphasize the importance of using "action verbs." Use past tense for all but current activities. Use standard, formal English. Spell out abbreviations and acronyms. Avoid personal pronouns unless that results in clumsy writing. In general, it's bad form to use "I." You may use phrases instead of complete sentences. Be truthful. Don't promise what you cannot deliver. Be specific and avoid fuzzy generalities.

Use white or off-white paper of good quality. Cover letter and resume paper should match. Paper need not be expensive but it should be durable and the text should be highly readable on it. Unusual colors and textures may make your resume stand out, but may also create problems.

You may wish to use a display font for your name, but the text itself should be in a standard, clean, conservative font. While you might be tempted to use a smaller size to get more on the page, emphasize legible, easy to read text. Go no smaller than 10 points and that may be too small for some fonts. Appearance is crucial. The resume should be neat, attractive, and easy to scan [many resumes are scanned and not really read] and read. Use rules [lines], special characters, and display type sparingly. Print should be dark and even. Reasonable margins and adequate white space between lines and sections is important. Headings should receive appropriate emphasis so that they stand out.

After reading the draft aloud several times, have a thoughtful colleague, family member, and your advisor read your almost final draft with some care.

Note that this is your resume and it should be an accurate image of the professional you. Don't show it to eight people and then attempt to incorporate all those suggestions. Some suggestions will disagree with each other. No resume will please every reader.

Making a Great First Impression!

Making a Great First Impression!

Be on Time
The person you are meeting for the first time is not interested in your “good excuse” for running late. Plan to arrive a few minutes early. And allow flexibility for possible delays in traffic or taking a wrong turn. Arriving early is much better that arriving late, hands down, and is the first step in creating a great first impression.

Be Yourself, Be at Ease
If you are feeling uncomfortable and on edge, this can make the other person ill at ease and that’s a sure way to create the wrong impression. If you are calm and confident, so the other person will feel more at ease, and so have a solid foundation for making that first impression a good one. S

Present Yourself Appropriately
Of course physical appearance matters. The person you are meeting for the first time does not know you and your appearance is usually the first clue he or she has to go on.
But it certainly does not mean you need to look like a model to create a strong and positive first impression. (Unless you are interviewing with your local model agency, of course!)
No. The key to a good impression is to present yourself appropriately.
They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and so the “picture” you first present says much about you to the person you are meeting. Is your appearance saying the right things to help create the right first impression?

Start with the way you dress. What is the appropriate dress for the meeting or occasion? In a business setting, what is the appropriate business attire? Suit, blazer, casual? And ask yourself what the person you'll be meeting is likely to wear - if your contact is in advertising or the music industry, a pinstripe business suit may not strike the right note!

For business and social meetings, appropriate dress also varies between countries and cultures, so it’s something that you should pay particular attention to when in an unfamiliar setting or country. Make sure you know the traditions and norms.

And what about your personal grooming? Clean and tidy appearance is appropriate for most business and social occasions. A good haircut or shave. Clean and tidy clothes. Neat and tidy make up. Make sure your grooming is appropriate and helps make you feel “the part”.

Appropriate dressing and grooming help make a good first impression and also help you feel “the part”, and so feel more calm and confident. Add all of this up and you are well on your way to creating a good first impression.

A Word about Individuality
The good news is you can usually create a good impression without total conformity or losing your individuality. Yes, to make a good first impression you do need to “fit in” to some degree. But it all goes back to being appropriate for the situation. If in a business setting, wear appropriate business attire. If at a formal evening social event, wear appropriate evening attire. And express your individuality appropriately within that context.

A Winning Smile!
“Smile and the world smiles too.”* So there’s nothing like a smile to create a good first impression. A warm and confident smile will put both you and the other person at ease. So smiling is a winner when it comes to great first impressions. But don't go overboard with this - people who take this too far can seem insincere and smarmy, or can be seen to be "lightweights".

September 1, 2024

Most Frequently Asked Interview Questions

Most frequently asked Interview Questions

  • Why have you selected to join us?
    I always longed to work with a company. I am familiar and whose products I have used and trusted.
    (Narrate briefly how you can prove your statement. Do good research on the company before facing the interview)
  • Where do you want to be in 5 years?
    I would like to be frank. Judge me from the work and I am sure you will put me right where I want to be.
    Note : Do not over ambitious and speak in a way that you are not satisfied with your current job which you have applied for.
  • Describe your ideal career?
    Talk of what you enjoy most your skills and natural talents. Do not specify your goal and any job title.
  • Tell me something about yourself
    Do not just repeat what you have given in your resume. Be ready with the answer, a talent or something you did out of the ordinary. You can sound it as unique or give it a touch of your personality.
  • How did you apply for the job?
    Be specific and give a straight answer of how you came to know about the vacancy. If it was advertised specify how you came across it.
  • Why do you want to work here?
    Have a research done about the company / organization
    Give just one or two reasons why you are interested. You can add these points (1) company's reputation(2) desire to join the specific field of interest.
  • Don't you think that you are over qualified for this job?
    (This question is put to you to puzzle a candidate. Be calm and answer the question with a positive and confident approach)
    Answer in the negative
    My experience and qualification will just help me to do the job better. Moreover I am at establishing a long term relationship which my qualification will favor me to handle more responsibilities and help me to rise to your expectations

August 4, 2024

Job Hunting for Freshers

Who will Tell the Truth?
Every year, year after year, I get utterly hit by the fresher season. Nothing has changed over the years. They remain as lost.Have we forgotten that job hunting for freshers comprises of decision making at a gun point? From a world where marks are the ultimate decision maker of choice, we push them into choosing career paths that the majority cannot translate into a picture of reality. 

Why do they have to learn the hard way? 
Reality is about asking what, how and why? But where are the answers to be found? I go to some of these career orientation programmes in schools. And I wonder who is going to tell them that travel jobs are not about traveling, nor hotel jobs about food, and neither are IT jobs about green cards! And if you want to believe that it is all crap, I suggest you go to a career counselor who deals in foreign education. Well, then you get to know the reality after paying some good money not only to them, but to some foreign Government. If you cannot translate reality into a career environment then the old fashioned way of trial and error may be more practical. It may take time to learn but is definitely cheaper and you have the luxury of wasting time to realize that all career choices are reversible or at least convertible.And what about the girls who are still wondering about the perfect choice – one that combines bread winning with marriage and kids? Well, you tell her there is no such thing! 
I really don’t have the guts!

August 1, 2024

Follow Through: Strategies to Keep You in The Interview Game

Follow Through: Strategies and Scripts to Keep You in The Interview Game

The word "succeed" comes from the Latin succedere -- to go up or follow after. Succeed is a verb, indicating action. To succeed in your search, you will need to act and follow through, often well beyond what you think should be required. One of the biggest mistakes job seekers make is thinking that "the ball is in the employer's court." The fact is, the ball is permanently in your court. 

Rather than being passive, be persistent! 

You can always be doing something to keep things moving, as these before and after examples show:
Before (passive): "I've submitted my resume online, and now I'm just waiting to hear something from the company."
After (persistent): "I've submitted my resume online, and now I'm working on finding contacts inside the company."
Before (passive): "The interviewer told me that he'd be getting back to me in a week, but it's been two and I haven't heard anything." 
After (persistent): "When I didn't hear back from the interviewer in the timeframe he mentioned, I touched base with my contact in accounting and asked her advice on how to follow up. She said she'd ask around to find out what she could and also recommended that I attend the upcoming industry association meeting because it would likely give me a chance to run into the interviewer."
Before (passive): "I'm excited because it looks like I'm a top candidate for the position and I'm just waiting to hear about a third interview." 
After (persistent): "I'm excited about this opportunity, but at the same time, I'm not putting all my eggs in one basket. While I wait, I've done some calling and managed to line up two interviews with other companies."

Here are some strategies for following through before the interview. There's a fine line to walk between being persistent and being a pest. The following strategies will ensure that you come across to interviewers as a proactive professional (and not a pain in the posterior)!

Follow Through After Applying Online 

It's not enough to find openings on an employer's Web site, attach your resume, and click "Submit." You must follow through and connect with people in the company, preferably the hiring manager or people who influence the hiring decision. 
Peripheral contacts -- those who do not influence the hiring decision directly but have knowledge about the company, the position, or the hiring manager's preferences -- are also be critical to your success.

Ideally, it's best to find a referring employee prior to applying at the employer's Web site. When you do, the insider can give you tips about applying. You can also include the person's name on your online application because most large companies have an employee referral process that earns employees cash and other incentives for referring a new hire.

October 6, 2020

Dressing for Success

Does it really make a difference how you dress for an interview? 
In many cases, it does. 
I'll never forget the gentleman I interviewed for an accounting position. He had been out of work for a few months and wanted to show me why. He took off his jacket, unbuttoned his shirt and started to pull down his pants (this is a true story) to show me the scar from a boat propeller that had injured him. He didn't get the job. Neither did the young lady in a bright red skirt so short and tight that she could hardly sit down! 
In a conservative business climate appearance do matter. In other environments it isn't as important. However, it does make sense to dress your best for the interview, regardless of the dress code at the organization. If you're in doubt about how to dress for an interview, it is best to err on the side of conservatism. It is much better to be overdressed than underdressed (or undressed). If you're not sure, check with the person who scheduled the interview and ask. 
According to Kim Zoller at Image Dynamics, 55% of another person's perception of you is based on how you look. Her 'Dressing for Success' information gives some tips on how to look your best, without necessarily spending a lot of money. 
Here's a quick look at the basics: 

Women's Interview Attire 

  • Solid color, conservative suit 
  • Coordinated blouse 
  • Moderate shoes 
  • Limited jewelry 
  • Neat, professional hairstyle 
  • Tan or light hosiery 
  • Sparse make-up & perfume 
  • Manicured nails 
  • Portfolio or briefcase 

Men's Interview Attire 

  • Solid color, conservative suit 
  • White long sleeve shirt 
  • Conservative tie 
  • Dark socks, professional shoes 
  • Very limited jewelry 
  • Neat, professional hairstyle 
  • Go easy on the aftershave 
  • Neatly trimmed nails 
  • Portfolio or briefcase 


What is placement?
Ans. Placement is a process of assigning a specific job to each of the selected candidates. It involves assigning a specific rank and responsibility to an individual. It implies matching the requirements of a job with the qualifications of the candidate.

Give the significance of placement?

Ans. The significances of placement are as follows: -

* It improves employee morale.

* It helps in reducing employee turnover.

* It helps in reducing absenteeism.

* It helps in reducing accident rates.

* It avoids misfit between the candidate and the job.

* It helps the candidate to work as per the predetermined objectives of the organization.

What is induction?

Ans. Once an employee is selected and placed on an appropriate job, the process of familiarizing him with the job and the organization is known as induction.

Induction is the process of receiving and welcoming an employee when he first joins the company and giving him basic information he needs to settle down quickly and happily and stars work.

What are the objectives of induction?

Ans. Induction is designed to achieve following objectives: -

* To help the new comer to overcome his shyness and overcome his shyness nervousness in meeting new people in a new environment.

* To give new comer necessary information such as location of a café, rest period etc.

* To build new employee confidence in the organization.

* It helps in reducing labor turnover and absenteeism.

* It reduces confusion and develops healthy relations in the organization.

* To ensure that the new comer do not form false impression and negative attitude towards the organization.

* To develop among the new comer a sense of belonging and loyalty to the organization.

What are the advantages of formal induction?

Ans. The advantages of formal induction are: -

* Induction helps to build up a two-way channel of communication between management and workers.

* Proper induction facilitates informal relation and team work among employee.

* Effective induction helps to integrate the new employee into the organization and to develop a sense of belonging.

* Induction helps to develop good relation.

* A formal induction programme proves that the company is taking interest in getting him off to good start.

* Proper induction reduces employee grievances, absenteeism and labor turnover.

* Induction is helpful in supplying information concerning the organization, the job and employee welfare facilities.

October 5, 2020


We need to prepare well for the interview, finding out about the history of the company, its structure, market position and management style, along with details such as: how big the company is, how long have they been operating, what are their key income revenues and core areas of business, who are their major competitors, and have they had any major upheavals or successes. 
 The easiest place to start the research is the website, or calling the marketing department and asking for a company profile or press kit. This will not only help you show your enthusiasm to the company but also enable you to be more relaxed about the questions asked. If you are preparing for a specific job interview, you will need to familiarise yourself with the job description, so matching your attributes to their requested skills. You will also need to prepare information about yourself by building up a personal profile to enable you to answer questions both quickly and accurately. 
The profile will comprise of both personal and business information. For example: 


 'I am an ambitious, organised and highly-motivated individual who is goal driven and excels at building long-term customer relationships.' 


 'I am an experienced sales professional with five years specific experience in the automotive industry'... go into further details. 

Be positive, if you are negative the employers will not believe in you. You need to remember that you have been short-listed, and therefore must stand a good chance. It is good to feel a bit nervous before the interview as it shows that you want the job. 

Top Interview Techniques 

The interview is not only a chance for the interviewer to assess if you are the right person for the job, but it is also an opportunity for you to see if the job and the company are suitable for you. During the interview you need to look for opportunities to be proactive and ask your own questions or try to lead the discussion where appropriate. Questions should reflect your keenness to work for the company. Generally you should limit yourself to just a couple of significant questions such as: 
  •  What are the key tasks and responsibilities of the job 
  •  What support and guidance is available 
  •  What training will be available 
  •  Other aspects to talk about are: 
  •  Structure of the organisation 
  •  Success of the organisation,
  •  it's profitability and product portfolio 
  •  Future strategies and development 

Keep your concentration levels up during the interview and make sure you listen to the responses the interviewer gives you. The worst mistakes happen when people end up asking questions about topics that have already been covered, or don't hear or understand what the interviewer has said. 

 Key points: 

  • Make sure you give the interviewer your full attention 
  • Wait for them to finish speaking, before you answer the question 
  • Make sure you ask open questions, to ensure you get full answers 
  • Check you understand everything that has been said 
  • At the end of the interview find out what will happen next: 
  • When will I hear from you 
  • How will I be informed 
  • Do you need any more information from me
Candidates can easily find themselves on the defensive, trying to justify themselves, rather than sell their attributes. A good interviewer will often throw all sorts of challenging questions at you, in order to see if you are suitable for the job. To help you cope with these it is best to know the possible questions that you might get asked, these can be divided up into sections: 
  • Selling yourself (mention your strengths) 
  • What experience do you have to benefit this job? 
  • Can you work well under pressure? 
  • What is your greatest strength? 
  • What interests you most about this job? 
  • Why should I hire you? 
  • Do you have any questions? 
Questions could include: 
  1. what your first assignment would be, 
  2. what type of training is required or given, 
  3. requesting to see a job description, and 
  4. who the company's major competitors are. Information giving (information on your experience and skills set) 
  •  Do you consider yourself to be a natural leader? The interviewer will be interested in your ability to lead when necessary 
  •  Tell me about yourself. This is an open question, and is a good opportunity for you to reveal the strengths that you mentioned in your personal profile. This is also your chance to reveal your personality, so just be yourself. 

  • What are your biggest accomplishments? This should be job related, and is a chance to show your competency 
  • Where do you see yourself in five years time? 

 Dealing with objections 

  • How do you handle criticism? Try to portray the attitude that all criticism has a benefit, providing an opportunity for improvement. Also elaborate by giving an example of a poor idea that has been criticised rather than a substandard piece of work. 
  • How will you cope with a change in environment? Talk about how you can adapt and learn quickly. Turning negatives into positives (change your weaknesses into strengths) 
  • What can you do for us that someone else can't? If you have understood the details of the job then try to answer this with a combination of your skills/experience which others are unlikely to have. Describe a difficult problem you've had to deal with. Clearly explain how you have approached a problem, the result and how the difficult outcome was averted. This will show that you have a positive attitude to all challenges, and you were not discouraged or intimidated by the situation. 
  • What is your greatest weakness? This is your chance to show that you have identified and are working on reducing your weaknesses. Turn your weakness into strength. 
  • How do you handle tension/stress? Explain how you avoid stressful situations, and if not how you deal with it, for example: exercising and going to the gym. 
  • How do you take direction? Show by giving examples of how you can be briefed and finish the task without unnecessary disagreements/complications 
  • Do you prefer working with others or alone? Explain how you can work well in both situations. 
  • How do you handle rejection? Much of today's business is commercially orientated, therefore a good answer would tend to be that you move on but take on board what has happened and use it to benefit you in the future. Always speak clearly in a controlled range of tones. Do not speak in monotone and always pause before speaking, this avoids instinctively reacting and saying the wrong thing. 

Points you need to remember: 

  • Smiling is a good positive signal, as it reaffirms your good nature 
  • Maintain eye contact 
  • Relax do not rush or fidget 
  • Mirror the interviewers techniques, if they laugh, laugh with them 
  • Maintain an alert position, sit up straight, don't slump, but be comfortable 
  • Always have a confident and honest attitude.

 Top Do's and Don'ts during the Interview 

  • Always adopt a professional and business-like manner 
  • Listen intently Use strong positive language 
  • Ask the relevant questions 
  • Wear a smile at all times 
  • Never indicate that you're desperate for a job 
  • Don't get into discussions about your personal life, and decline any bait to mention secrets of your present employer. The interviewer should respect your trustworthiness and integrity 
  • Ensure that you don't smell of any strong odours, e.g. alcohol, garlic or even perfume 
  • Don't fidget or play with your hair, clothing, items in your pockets etc 
  • Avoid negative phrases such as: 'I don't know'. I'm not sure' 
  • Be persuasive, speak in terms of what benefit you can bring to the company, rather than the other way around 
  • Remain calm and don't rush your answers 

Psychometric Tests 

Psychometric means tools for measuring the mind. There are two types of test: Aptitude test: assess your abilities Personality questionnaires: which build up a profile of your characteristics.  Many employers believe that such tests give a good idea of whether you are able to do the job, and if your personality is suited to that of the job and the company. 

 Aptitude Tests: 
These test your critical reasoning skills under timed conditions. A typical test may have three sections each testing a different ability, such as verbal reasoning, numerical reasoning. The test would normally be about 30 minutes long for 30 questions. 

Personality Tests: 
Questions tend to focus on; how you relate to other people, your work style, your ability to deal with emotions (your own and others); your motivations; determination and general outlook and your ability to handle stressful situations. There are no right or wrong answers, just be yourself. top

October 1, 2020



Okay, so you have managed to hold your nerves in control and brave the questions of the HR. You are now at the end of your interview session. What next? The answer is, there are a few more steps to go. For instance, the HR person may ask you if you have anything to ask of him/her. How do you respond to that? It is quite likely that you are stressed out and nothing comes to your mind. This article deals with this situation and gives you a few intelligent questions that you may ask.

The Rationale
First of all let us try to understand why the HR person puts you in such a situation. Is he/she simply being nice to you or is there more to it? One possible reason is that the company wants to project an image of transparency. The company wants you to know that it encourages two-way communication between the top management and the subordinates, an atmosphere where everyone can ask relevant questions and expect to get answers. In other words, the company respects the employee’s need to know about matters that affect him, no matter where he is in the hierarchy.
Next, and more important, this situation checks your presence of mind and ability to form intelligent questions. So far you have been simply answering questions asked of you. How do you behave when you are in a position to ask questions? What kind of questions do you ask? It also shows how serious you are about the company and the job.
Let us get on to some questions now.

Some Useful Questions For the Candidate
Before you set out to ask questions, keep the above reasons in mind. It would be good to sincerely thank the HR person for such an opportunity. You can start with something like “I have really enjoyed this opportunity to meet you and your team at .. (the company name). Yes, there are a few things I would like to know, thank you for asking” However it is not wise to ask the HR a volley of questions and turn it into a counter interview. Consider the questions below and choose one or two from them that you find the most useful to you.

What do you personally find the most enjoyable part of working for this company?

May I ask why or how you joined this organization? / What brought you here?

I would like to know about the work atmosphere here…

Would you be able to tell me about this company’s vision/philosophy?

How would you evaluate this organization’s strengths and weaknesses?

I would like to know a little about my day-to-day responsibilities.

Is this an immediate requirement? How soon would you be taking people on board for this position?

I would like to know how my skills compare with the other people who have applied for this position.

I am really interested in this opportunity and I feel I have the required skills for this position. What would I have to do next?

Now that our interview is coming to close, is there anything you would like to know about my ability towards this job?

Would you be able to tell me a little about what the company expects from its employees? 

What are the most important assets and skills for this company?

Does the company follow a structured path in promoting the employees? How does it go?

If the company finds me good at the job, how would it advance me? What would be the next step in my career growth?

If I performed well in the current position, what are the additional likely opportunities for me within this company?

Are there any special areas in this company that the top leaders emerge from?/ Are there special areas like say sales or engineering that have more prospects for growth within this company, or do the leaders come from a cross section of different areas?

The company has decided to recruit for this position from outside. How does the company choose between recruiting from within or outside?

How far does this particular position contribute to the bottom line?

What advice would you give to someone selected for this position?

What are the current challenges of this position/department within the company?

Before I leave, can I have a formal/written description of the position? This would help me to review the activities and evaluate what is expected of me.

Is this job likely to lead to other positions in the company? What is the usual route?

Would you be able to tell me a little about the people I will be working with?

Before I take your leave, let me check my understanding of the position. The designation is …., the responsibilities are …., it is in the ….. department, and I would be reporting to ……. Please correct me if I have got it wrong anywhere.

How does this company promote equal opportunity and diversity?

Would you be able to tell me who the company regards as its stars? What have been their most important contributions?

How do the subordinates address their seniors in this company?

Could you tell me about the management style of this company?

If you selected me for this position, what assignment would I be starting on?

Does this company have a formal mission statement? Am I allowed to see it?

What are the most important parameters along which this company evaluates an employee’s contribution? 

Some Useful Question Answers

1. Tell me about yourself?
I am down-to-earth, sweet, smart, creative, industrious, and thorough.

2. How has your experience prepared you for your career?
Aside from the discipline and engineering foundation learning that I have gained from my courses, I think the design projects, reports, and presentations have prepared me most for my career.
Work Experience:
Through internships, I have gained self-esteem, confidence, and problem-solving skills. I also refined my technical writing and learned to prepare professional documents for clients.
Student Organizations:
By working on multiple projects for different student organizations while keeping up my grades, I've built time management and efficiency skills. Additionally, I've developed leadership, communication, and teamwork abilities.
Life Experience:
In general, life has taught me determination and the importance of maintaining my ethical standards.

3. Describe the ideal job.
Ideally, I would like to work in a fun, warm environment with individuals working independently towards team goals or individual goals. I am not concerned about minor elements, such as dress codes, cubicles, and the level of formality. Most important to me is an atmosphere that fosters attention to quality, honesty, and integrity.

4. What type of supervisor have you found to be the best?
I have been fortunate enough to work under wonderful supervisors who have provided limited supervision, while answering thoughtful questions and guiding learning. In my experience, the best supervisors give positive feedback and tactful criticism.

5. What do you plan to be doing in five years' time?
Taking the PE exam and serving in supervisory/leadership roles both at work and in professional/community organization(s).

6. What contributions could you make in this organization that would help you to stand out from other applicants?
In previous internships, my industriousness and ability to teach myself have been valuable assets to the company. My self-teaching abilities will minimize overhead costs, and my industriousness at targeting needs without prompting will set me apart from others. Additionally, one thing that has always set me apart from my scientific/engineering peers are my broad interests and strong writing abilities. I am not your typical "left-brained" engineer, and with my broad talents, I am likely to provide diverse viewpoints.

7. What sort of criteria are you using to decide the organization you will work for?
Most importantly, I am looking for a company that values quality, ethics, and teamwork. I would like to work for a company that hires overachievers.

8. What made you choose your major?
My academic interests are broad, so I sought civil engineering to achieve a great balance of mathematics, chemistry, biology, physics, and writing.

9. Have your university and major met your expectations?
The College of Engineering at MSU has exceeded my expectations by providing group activities, career resources, individual attention, and professors with genuine interest in teaching.
My major has met my expectations by about 90%. I would have enjoyed more choices in environmental courses, and would have preferred more calculus-based learning.

10. What made you choose this college?
I chose this college for the following reasons: my budget limited me to in-state schools, I was seeking an area with dog-friendly apartments, the MSU web site impressed me, I saw active student groups, and the people were very friendly.

So with the help of these tips you would be able to crack the final round of interview and can get your desired job.

September 6, 2020

How To Excel In The Interview At Short Notice

You have an interview scheduled tomorrow. With less than 24 hours to prepare, you don't know where to start from.

Here is a simple exercise which will not take you more than two hours. Follow the guidelines and make that first impression which will help you get you your desired job
. On the Interview day

Non-verbal Messages: 

Non-verbal language speaks larger than words. As you walk in the interview room, here are a few things that you must keep in mind:
Start it off like a winner.

The handshake: 
Offer your hand, and give a firm handshake, a pleasant smile and a positive and confident attitude. Introduce yourself.

Stand and sit erect

Don't Fidget: 
There is nothing worse than people playing with their hair, clicking pen tops, tapping feet or unconsciously touching parts of the body.

Eye Contact: 
Look the interviewer in the eye

Move your hands: 
Gesturing or talking with your hands is very natural, but keep it in moderation.

Be comfortable. 
Take a seat facing the interviewer, however, slightly off center. Be sure that you are in a comfortable position

Listen attentively:
Look at the interviewer directly, but don't get into a stare down! Sit up straight. Try to relax. It's okay to take a few notes if the questions are lengthy, or you need to remind yourself of something you want to stress

Avoid nervous mannerisms:
 Pay attention to nervous mannerisms. Everyone is nervous to some extent, the key is to appear calm and composed

Speak clearly:
 Use good grammar and a friendly tone. Never answer just "yes" or "no" to a question. Always clarify, expand on your answers. Be sure not to go on rambling

Be positive and enthusiastic:
.Pump up your enthusiasm prior to the interview. Never whine, gripe or complain about past employers, jobs, classes etc

Ask pertinent questions:
 Be prepared to ask a few questions. Do not monopolize the interviewer's time, particularly if you know they have appointments scheduled following your interview. Do ask thoughtful questions. Don't ask about salary and benefits, this can be discussed when the company is definitely interested in you

While giving answers to questions:

Be Concise:
Listen to the questions carefully and answer to the point. An interviewee rambling on is likely to turn off the interviewer.

Provide Examples:
Support your contentions with examples. Think of recent strong strategic examples of work you've done, then when the question is asked, answer with specifics, not in generalities.
Be Honest: It is always better to state the truth than beating about the bush. If you don’t know something then state the fact.
Keep Your Guard Up
Always maintain your professionalism. Don’t get swayed by the friendly behaviour of the interviewer and disclose everything. For all you know it might be a trap laid out by him.

After the Interviews

Say thanks:
 The next day write the interviewer a brief note reiterating your interest in the job. Spell his or her name correctly!

Follow up:
 If you haven't heard from the interviewer within the time frame indicated at the close of the interview, call them to relay a polite reminder that you're still interested in the job. Ask when they plan to make a hiring decision.
If you aren't hired and you are still interested in the company, it pays to keep in touch with the interviewer. Often, through persistence, you may be offered a position at a later date.

Chin Up:
 If you don't get the job, don't be disheartened. Gear up for your next interview. After all the more interviews you tackle the more polished you become. You may want to contact the interviewer who rejected you and see if you can get any pointers on what to improve before your next intererview.