October 1, 2009

Integrating The Keyword

The keywords should be integrated into the following parts of your website...

1. Title

Each webpage should contain a distinct and relevant title. Incorporate the keywords into the webpage's title tag.

2. Description

Each page on website should also contain a unique description. The "meta" data, which is located in the header of the webpage, is often used by search engines to assess the relevance and topic of a specific page.

3. Body Of Web Page

The body of the webpage should also include the keywords. The words should appear naturally, and the readability of the text should never be compromised in an effort to include the keywords.

4. Anchor Text

Anchor text is the text that is used to link to a page. The "clickable" words that are hyper-linked to the page are called the anchor text. Search engines evaluate the words people use to link to your website, because they usually provide a context for the page being linked to.

5. H1 Tags

H1 tags, which are used in HTML to emphasize a topic or sub-topic, are often weighted heavier than normal text on a webpage. Using keywords in the H1 field may boost your ranking for that specific keyword.

6. Name Of Web Page

The domain and URL of a webpage can also help influence search engine ranking. Integrating keywords or hyphenated keyword phrases into the URL of a webpage may also help a page rank well in search engines for those key phrases.

7. More May Be Better

Keep in mind that studies show that the average number of words used in a search query is 2.57, so do not be afraid to integrate keyword "phrases" rather than individual keywords, since phrases tend to be more popular than single-word searches.

Keyword positioning plays a small but very important part in the search engine optimization process. Learn how to effectively use keywords to your website's advantage. Keyword usage and optimization will help a webpage rank better in organic search results. Use relevant keyword phrases that will boost your search rankings.

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