October 9, 2009



You have all the skills in the world and consider yourself to be the best in the race towards getting a good job, but then you don't get interview calls. You keep updating your resume and also mention all your achievements in your resume and you still don't get called? Ever wondered why? You are not alone; there are many people like you who go through the same fate.Did you ever analyze what happens behind the scenes when an employer goes through your resume? This article will help you discover all that. Read the secrets that will help you get more interview calls:

1. Define a killer career objective
Your career objective should define where you want to reach in the next 5 years. It should be simple, precise and ambitious. Try to define your career objective that will read like a win-win situation for you and the organization. Making your career objective simple will ensure that your employer understands it in the same way as you understand it.

2.Beautify your resume
By beautify I mean all the aspects of your resume should be enhanced viz. design, fonts and colors.The first step is to identify a good resume design / layout to start with. Search the internet to locate a good resume design that you feel good about. Just don't go ahead and pick up the first one that you get. Spend some time and narrow down on 2 - 3 good resume designs that you are comfortable with.Once you have identified on a good design the next step is to use a font that is legible and clear to understand. I prefer the standard Tahoma or Arial. You can have your preferences as well, but be sure that your resume is a pleasure to read. If it isn't pleasurable, then assume that it will surely meet the Recycle Bin.After you have identified a good resume design and a font, the next step is to choose the font color. Ideally shades of black or dark gray are very good and look professional. You should also look at providing a background color to various tables that you might have in your resume. This gives it a professional look. The point is not to leave titles of tables empty, fill it with colors. But ensure that when you print your resume in grey scale; it still looks beautiful.Beautifying a resume requires various tries and re-tries; making a good resume does not happen in a day. So plan it accordinglyreading this article on could also look at hiring a professional agency to help you prepare and beautify your resume. This should however be the last option used.

3. Put keywords in your resume
Identify keywords that match your skill set and put them all in. But be sure that it does not look like you have stuffed in keywords unnecessarily. Make those keywords part of your resume in such a fashion that it forms part of text in your resume.The reason why this should be done is because many employers/job agencies glance through resumes or uses the standard Ctrl + F (i.e. used to find something in a document). The reason is not because they are not interested in reading through your resume, but because business dynamics don't provide them the liberty of time to go through each and every resume.

4. Submit your resume major job sites
After you have defined your killer career objective, beautified your resume and also put in keyword applicable to your profession; the next step is to upload your resume to major job sites.Most of the fields of job sites would only require you to copy and paste parts of your resume. However, there are some fields that don't necessarily form part of your resume, but allow you to capitalize viz. resume title and keywords. Most of the major job sites have a field that allows you to provide a resume title and keywords. This is your chance to describe the kind of job that you are looking at.I have seen many resumes with titles like 'Need a job in Java' or something similar. Titles should define your skill set. You could re-write it as 'Java developer with 3 years experience'. See the difference!!!In the keyword field of job sites mention all the keywords separated by commas. Here you can stuff keywords (unlike in your resume). This keyword helps a prospective employer to narrow down on your resume.

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