December 1, 2009

Preparing for a Successful Negotiation

Preparing for a Successful Negotiation

Depending on the scale of the disagreement, some preparation may be appropriate for conducting a successful negotiation.
For small disagreements, excessive preparation can be counter-productive because it takes time that is better used elsewhere. It can also be seen as manipulative because, just as it strengthens your position, it can weaken the other person’s.
However, if you need to resolve a major disagreement, then make sure you prepare thoroughly. think through the following points before you start negotiating:
what do you want to get out of the negotiation? What do you think the other person wants?
What do you and the other person have that you can trade? What do you each have that the other wants? What are you each comfortable giving away?
if you don’t reach agreement with the other person, what alternatives do you have? Are these good or bad? How much does it matter if you do not reach agreement? Does failure to reach an agreement cut you out of future opportunities? And what alternatives might the other person have?
what is the history of the relationship? Could or should this history impact the negotiation? Will there be any hidden issues that may influence the negotiation? How will you handle these?
Expected outcomes: what outcome will people be expecting from this negotiation? What has the outcome been in the past, and what precedents have been set?
The consequences:
what are the consequences for you of winning or losing this negotiation? What are the consequences for the other person?
who has what power in the relationship? Who controls resources? Who stands to lose the most if agreement isn’t reached? What power does the other person have to deliver what you hope for?
Possible solutions: based on all of the considerations, what possible compromises might there be?
Negotiating successfully…
The negotiation itself is a careful exploration of your position and the other person’s position, with the goal of finding a mutually acceptable compromise that gives you both as much of what you want as possible. People's positions are rarely as fundamentally opposed as they may initially appear - the other person may have very different goals from the ones you expect!In an ideal situation, you will find that the other person wants what you are prepared to trade, and that you are prepared to give what the other person wants.If this is not the case and one person must give way, then it is fair for this person to try to negotiate some form of compensation for doing so – the scale of this compensation will often depend on the many of the factors we discussed above. Ultimately, both sides should feel comfortable with the final solution if the agreement is to be considered win-win.Only consider win-lose negotiation if you don't need to have an ongoing relationship with the other party as, having lost, they are unlikely to want to work with you again. Equally, you should expect that if they need to fulfill some part of a deal in which you have "won," they may be uncooperative and legalistic about the way they do this.

November 30, 2009

Identifying Your Selling Points

Identifying Your Selling Points

Identifying your selling points to begin marketing yourself.
Write a list.

It's best to get it all onto paper so you can sit down and look over it afterwards (and use it to write your CV). There is no point in knowing in your head what you are good at. So write a list.

Your selling points, or strengths are what you will be judged on (you also have to use them to overshadow your weaknesses).

Selling points are ideally unique, but you need to cover the basics that most employers look for (e.g. communication skills, team player, reliable, etc - you've probably seen all that stuff on job adverts). So use these basic skills as a starting point.

When you've got the basics out of the way, you need to concentrate on your unique skills. What sets you apart from the crowd? Why should the employer hire you over the hundreds of other candidates? What are your strengths?

Be An Ideal Being

Be An Ideal Being


A good worker who's willing and eager to learn and has a lot of enthusiasm for the job.
Be willing to do more than you are being paid to do. Help others in higher positions with their job, and you'll learn how to do their job. This is a great way to boost your experience.
A reliable employee who they can count on to be there every day and ON TIME.
An employee who gets along with his co-workers.
An honest employee who doesn't steal or lie to his employer.
An employee who knows that the customers of the business are where your paycheck really comes from and making sure to treat them with respect and enthusiasm.
And always try to leave a company on good terms, so that you can use them as a reference.

They All Wanted Job Experience

Job experience

They all wanted job experience. So I went back to all the managers I'd talked to about the bartending school, and asked them if they'd train me - for free. I offered a proposition: "I'll come in on my own time. You don't have to pay me. I will train for free. Train me, and if you like my work, then you can hire me with pay."

For them, it was a win-win situation. They didn't lose any money by giving me a chance. And if I did real well and showed an aptitude for the job, they could then hire me and we'd both make out.

Story of a Fresher

Beating the System

We've all heard it: "You can't get a job if you don't have experience, but how do you get experience if no-one will give you a job?". Doesn't seem fair, does it? Some kids are lucky. They've got an uncle or brother or cousin who can pull a few strings for them. Once they're in, they can say they've got that magical stuff called "job experience" that every boss looks for. Some kids are so smart. You know the type. They skip grades in school and all the colleges are begging for them. They're too busy being smart to be cool. They really make an impression on potential bosses, and they get hired. Then there are the kids who find underhanded ways to make money. They don't want a real job. They usually look pretty cool driving around in big fancy cars flashing wads of money. They don't look so cool years later sitting in a jail cell. And finally, there's the rest of us. We walk into one personnel office after another, filling out job applications. By the time you're finished, you've memorized your Social Security number for life. They all say the same thing: "We'll let you know."

Only they don't. You never hear from them again. There is a way to beat the system. It's a pretty ingenious solution, too! But you've got to want it. What I wanted was to be a bartender, but my idea will work for almost any job. It started when I signed up for a bartending school. The contract gave me three days to change my mind and cancel. In those three days, I went around to different bars and asked the managers if they'd hire someone who'd gone to this school. They all said no, not if the person didn't have any real-life job experience.

Presentations: In The Interview

Presentations In The Interview

In many information agencies, it is customary for the candidate to make some sort of a presentation before a group as part of the interview situation. Ask if this will be true in your situation. If it is, be certain that you understand how much time is available, the nature of the audience, and the purpose of the presentation. The presentation should be specifically designed to meet the audience needs and interests. If you will be using ANY information technology, verify the availability of hardware and software. Let your host know your hardware/software requirements and how much setup time you will need before your presentation.

Always take manual backup material in case something doesn't work. Often, something will not work! Make your presentation as interesting and as interactive as possible. DO NOT look at the slides and present your back to your audience. DO NOT have 57 slides each crowded with bulleted items. Do limit slides to three to five bullets and no more than five words for each. The presentation needs to be clean, clear, and focused. It is a summary of something interesting and important. It is NOT a detailed research presentation. A common error is including too much content and then rushing toward the end.

Eye contact and interactivity with the audience are especially important. Your body language should be welcoming and positive -- even relaxed. Do use gestures. Walk around a bit.

If a question and answer session follows, provide relatively brief but focused responses to questions. Don't be afraid to say that you don't know or are uncertain. You can't know everything. However do consider that sort of questions that might be asked about your presentation.

The presentation will be evaluated as evidence of your knowledge and comfort level with technology, your ability to deal with the unexpected, and your speaking/teaching effectiveness. It is a major moment.

While presentations are not a major concern for many search committees, they are especially important for public service positions. Most search committees understand that a presentation in a strange place with strange equipment that does not always go well.

November 25, 2009


This scenario emphasises the vital importance of a good industrial placement as an integral part of an engineering degree. There is no doubt that students who do not undergo an industrial placement are less likely to find employment than those with industrial experience.

Commonly, universities leave the task of finding an industrial placement entirely to the student. The consequence of this is that the student is poorly prepared to make a job application and, in the event of an interview, is not able to present themself in the best light. Also, because many companies have built up long-term relationships with specific universities the individual applicant will often simply not be considered.

The solution to this problem lies in your careful selection of your university. Some universities approach the placement of students in industry in a highly serious and efficient manner. These universities employ full-time industrial placement officers whose task it is to assist the students in finding high-grade and challenging industrial placements. Also assistance can be given in preparation of job applications and in improvement of interview techniques.

Experience & Employment
These placements can be in a wide range of industry ranging from the large blue-chip companies to smaller companies as well as companies in all parts of the world. Placement officers will ensure that the students receive good work experience whilst on placement and that they receive formal visits from academic staff members to check on progress. Often an industrial placement leads to a highly relevant and challenging final year project, possible sponsorship and sometimes the offer of permanent employment. Some employers view the industrial placement as a year long interview!

Earning & Learning
An additional bonus of the industrial placement is the opportunity to earn some extra money whilst continuing with your academic career by. You will also interpret your final year degree subjects in a different way as a result of your industrial placement.
So if the objective of your studies at university is to obtain a good well-paid job after the successful completion of your degree then the sensible route to take is via a sandwich degree with a high quality industrial placement.


IT recruitment is caught in a paradoxical situation. On the one hand companies are eager to induct new hires, while on the other the right candidate often proves elusive. On the other hand, hundreds (even thousands) of hopefuls who have sent in their particulars wait anxiously for an interview call. The twain seldom meet to their mutual satisfaction.
Data analysis can go a long way in making the hiring process faster and more efficient. This is where the application of business intelligence (BI) has a considerable impact on the hiring process.
BI relates to the tools and systems that play a key role in the strategic planning process of an organisation by gathering, storing and accessing data. Traditionally used by companies to solve problems related to distribution, sales, marketing and logistics, the next step is to use BI to supercharge the hiring process.
To make 250 offers, our team met 5,000 people and went through 20,000 biodatas.

Kris Lakshmikanth Managing DirectorHeadhunters India
BI tools can be used to track blacklisted candidates. It becomes easier to weed them out

Rajaram Agarwal Managing DirectorTalentAhead India
Bangalore-based Headhunters India has been using an in-house-developed proprietary BI tool for the last two years. Says Kris Lakshmikanth, its founder and managing director, “Search or recruitment companies like ours conduct recruitment day-in and day-out. In December, we generated over 250 offers with an average CTC of over Rs 3.5 lakh.” As a rule of thumb, Headhunters India would have to meet 5,000 people in order to make 250 offers. To meet 5,000 people, its team would have gone through 20,000 biodatas. “This is a massive task anytime, so BI tools are useful to us,” says Lakshmikanth. For executive search companies, whose earnings are solely dependent on the joining of the candidate, the BI tool is vital for converting offers into hires.

BI can help recruiters:
Identify cities, companies or media from where they can recruit talent.
Find the right recruitment company to partner with.
Pick the college campuses that must be targeted.

Experts agree that the hiring process can be made more efficient by analysing data regarding existing employees to create a hiring profile. An organisation also needs to know the right mix of skills needed to achieve its business goals. Nirupama V G, executive vice-president, TeamLease Services, points out that some employers use data mining techniques to understand the characteristics of their top performers. “By understanding the characteristics of this group and rating them on parameters such as education, years of experience, skills and personality traits, a hiring profile can be established to recruit individuals who possess similar characteristics,” she says, adding that while this technique has been used many times, one must realise that the profiling is based on historical data which may not always successfully indicate who will be a top performers in the future as changes in social, economic and environmental conditions can throw a spanner in the works.

November 24, 2009

How Temporary Agencies Match Your Skills With The Right Job

The purpose of a temporary agency is to find employers skilled workers to fill their temporary job positions. During these troubled economic times, many people have found temporary agencies to be helpful while seeking full time work. The agency keeps a list of qualified people to match the position that an employer needs to be filled for a short period.

There are a number of benefits to signing on with a temporary agency. One such benefit is the agency can match a worker's skills with the right job. Most temporary agencies will help you create a
professional resume that highlights the skills that make you qualified for a particular job. As well, they will offer training to keep your skills current as well as learn new skills. You will be prepared to use all of your skills on the first day of the temporary job. Because you will be working for short periods at a variety of work environment, you will be acquiring more skills and discovering what job environment meets your needs. The more experience and training you acquire, the more valuable you will become to a potential full time employer. Employers love acquiring employees that they do not have to train.

When you first meet with a temporary agency recruiter, you will normally be interviewed and have your skills and qualifications reviewed. You may also have to do a test such as a computer test. The higher you score on the test, the more chance you have of obtaining a placement quickly. These tests and the interview help the agency determine what type of job you are best suited for.

Because temporary agencies have access to jobs that may not be advertised to the public, the agency can go through your resume to find the position that best matches your skills and education. In a matter of minutes, a temporary
job placementagency will go through all of their applications and locate the right job for you. If you apply yourself and work hard, you may be noticed by an employer. If you are successful at your temporary job, you may find yourself working full time as many companies will hire full time employees that have worked for them for a short period. Because there are so many benefits to working with a temporary agency, the likelihood of finding your perfect job will be significantly increased.

If you are new to the job market, and do not have many skills, a temporary job agency can work with you to acquire new
jobskills by providing such training as computer skills, typing, accounting, math, office administration, and spelling. You will also have access to resources on creating professional resumes and preparing for a job interview. They will help you incorporate theses skills for use in a position that is suitable to your experience and skills.

Temporary agencies provide a great opportunity to fill in any gaps in your employment history. You can acquire new skills, maintain your current skills, and most importantly, provide you with a source of income while you are seeking a permanent job.

Tips for Personality Development

Tips for Personality Development

Self-confidence- Self-confidence is a great mantra for a powerful personality. If you are not confident of your actions and decisions, you can never get success. Have a firm faith, determination and confidence in yourself as if you are sure of your decision, you will put your best efforts to achieve the goal, other persons will also show the confidence in you and then nothing can stop you from stepping the stairs of success.

Organize your mind- Organizing the mind means taking the charge of your thoughts, emotions and imagination and controlling the reactions, being systematic in every field of life, increasing the efficiency and tackling the difficulties and obstacles by preplanning and anticipation. The more organized you are, the more focused you are for your goals of life. Somebody has said that the way you think is the way you live. So organized thinking paves the way to success in every sphere of life.

Be loyal, honest and truthful- these qualities go a long way. By being mean or by ditching someone you can’t get anything in life. Remember one thing that there is no short cut to success and you can be successful only by being honest, determined to achieve what you want and by working hard.

Try to like other people- If you want that other people should give you attention and appreciate you, try to give attention to other people also. Be a good listener, listen to them politely and if you don’t like other person’s idea, never condemn or make a complaint about his idea, instead praise his good qualities. While communicating with others, always give honest and sincere replies. Never boost of yourself. Make other person feel that he is important and talk about other person’s interests. Be kind and show basic courtesies to other people.

Avoid indecisiveness- Take all the decisions yourself. Never depend on anybody for taking the decisions on your behalf. Don’t let indecision plague you as indecisiveness may cause failure and future leads to regretful conditions.

Feel good about your accomplishments and analyze your mistakes- Analyze your mistakes and learn a lesson from them and never ever compare yourself with anybody else as everybody commits some mistakes in life and no one is perfect on this earth. Your confidence and self esteem should not get eclipsed by the fear of failure. Feel good about your accomplishments and maintain a list of them. Every time you achieve some goal, give yourself a reward. Be a true friend of yourself and try to find and recognize your weaknesses as well as your strong points, jot them down on a paper and start working on your weaknesses to replace them with your strong qualities.

Try to look good- At first sight, a person is judged by his physical personality as it is said first impression is the last impression. Maintain the right posture of your body. It means that you should always sit and stand straight. Try to look good and you will feel good about yourself. It will increase your confidence level also. Whenever you feel lack of confidence, go for some change in your wardrobe, get your hair style changed or if you are a little heavy, try to shed some weight by exercise or cutting down some extra calories and you will more energetic, confident and fresh since a change is as good as a rest.

Maintain a good life style- Maintain a good and healthy life style as it is a key to healthy body and sound mind. Don’t be a fast food junkie, instead have a balanced diet that contains lots of green leafy vegetables and fruits. Sleep for at least 6 to 8 hours a day because if you don’t sleep for adequate amount of time, your efficiency decreases and it hampers your productivity. Say no to alcohol, smoking or sleeping pills. Reduce your intake of tea or coffee as caffeine is very harmful for your body. Indulge in some physical activities like brisk walk, swimming or aerobics daily. To improve your concentration and decision making quality, practice yoga and meditation.

Sense of humor- Sense of humor is also an important component of a pleasing personality. Maintain good sense of humor and learn to laugh at yourself also. But sense of humor does not mean laughing when something wrong happens with other person.

Positive thinking and positive doing- Avoid negative attitude towards life as positive thinking is the key to success in any field of life. But we should replace positive thinking into positive doing also. Many a times, we think of so many positive things and like to do them but the fear of failure or difficulties stop us from turning those positive thoughts into reality. You should understand that these obstacles test your capabilities and you should not let them bother you too much. At this time, just think of your past accomplishments no matter how small or big they are and just go through the difficulties or hurdles you faced to accomplish them. It will give a sense of confidence. Face these challenges, do your best under all circumstances and you will feel the great feeling of accomplishment.

Be a good speaker- To be a good speaker is also an aspect of a good personality. If you have to make a speech, first of all make a lay out of the speech and write down each and every thought in a proper sequence that you want to include in your speech and while giving the speech, you can refer to these points. Give a proper introduction and conclusion as they are very important parts of the speech. Never cram your speech word to word. Don’t try to be too loud. Keep your speech short and to the point. 

Physical gestures and expressions are also important to connect with the audience. Take pause at the proper points and put emphasis on certain important words. Speak with authority and don’t be monotonous. Bring a little humor in your speech and make the audience laugh occasionally. If there is a large audience and you are feeling nervous, look into the eyes of only one person at a time as if you are talking to him. Make the

Control your fear and worries- Conquer your fears and worries, stress and anxiety. When these thoughts come in your mind, instead of wasting your time in thinking what will happen to you in future, think of new ideas and solutions and keep yourself as busy as you can. You should know that most of our fears and worries don’t get materialized at all. Prepare yourself for the unexpected and always be ready to face what comes in your way.

Strike a balance among your personal, professional and social life- Maintaining a balance in your life for harmony and happiness. Don’t bring office work at home on weekends and in office be determined to give your 100%. Develop a social circle and try to spend your time with people who have positive attitude towards life.

Concentrate your goals- Be focused and concentrate on your goals. Avoid all the distractions and give put your entire attention to one goal. By doing this, you will be ale to identify the obstacles and hurdles associated with it and once you identify the obstacles, half of your job is done. Now focus on every problem according to its priority.