Identifying Your Selling Points
Identifying your selling points to begin marketing yourself.Write a list.
It's best to get it all onto paper so you can sit down and look over it afterwards (and use it to write your CV). There is no point in knowing in your head what you are good at. So write a list.
Your selling points, or strengths are what you will be judged on (you also have to use them to overshadow your weaknesses).
Selling points are ideally unique, but you need to cover the basics that most employers look for (e.g. communication skills, team player, reliable, etc - you've probably seen all that stuff on job adverts). So use these basic skills as a starting point.
When you've got the basics out of the way, you need to concentrate on your unique skills. What sets you apart from the crowd? Why should the employer hire you over the hundreds of other candidates? What are your strengths?
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