November 17, 2009

Help With Interview Nervousness - You will be nervous

Interview Nervousness is Natural

There is nothing wrong with being a bit nervous. If you use the nervousness to do the right things. Preparation will give you an area where to channel that nervous energy. 

* Remember they are unlikely to give the job to someone calm, relaxed and laid back either. 

* Too laid back and you will seem as if you don't care. 

* What makes everyone nervous about interview is the fact that they are going to judge you. Absolutely they are going to judge you! This is supposed to happen. Remember, it's a test, so get some interview help or interview training and do some practise. 

* You wouldn't dream of going to your driving test without studying the Highway Code, so treat an interview in the same way. But remember also, you are interviewing them as well. The test is two way. If you can keep that in the forefront of your mind, it can also help settle interview nerves.

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