November 17, 2009

Tips On G.D for Placement in Companies

Tips On G.D. for  Placement in Companies 

1. Always be the initiator and concluder of the GD then being a participant.

2. But if you are participant always try to be the most viral/key participant.

3. Put points firmly and always try to get others support too.

4. If you find that the discussion os going off-track then never loose an opportunity to bring it back to stream this is the best point to score max.

5. Try to keep latest information on the topic.

6. Be very polite , people may try to provoke you to to get more points but try to keep cool.

7. Most important don't wait for your turn to speak when discussion is on. interrupt politely if you want to put forward your points.

8. Last but not the least keep a tab on the time given for discussion. score points by wrapping up the discussion if you feel that the discussion is heating but the time is going to be over.

9. During conclusion, do end with the conclusion note. that shows your leadership quality.

Do's and Don'ts of Group Discussion :

Be as natural as possible.
Do not try and be someone you are not.
Be yourself.
A group discussion is your chance to be more vocal.

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