November 16, 2009

Job Search Tips for the Interviewing Process

Job Search Tips for the Interviewing Process

Today’s job market is highly competitive, and for every posted vacancy, there are often hundreds of qualified applicants. Moreover, if an applicant is selected for an interview, it’s no guarantee he or she will be offered the job. On the other hand, there are steps jobseekers can take that will greatly increase the odds of their having a successful interview and, subsequently, receiving that offer.

Understand the Purpose of the Interview

According to Kenneth Zimmer, Professor Emeritus of the School of Business and Economics at California State University, and Sue C. Camp, Associate Professor of Business Administration at Gardner-Webb College, the goal of an interview is twofold. On one hand, it’s an opportunity for applicants to sell themselves, but on the other, it’s an opportunity for applicants to learn whether or not the job actually corresponds with their qualifications and career goals.

Research the Prospective Employer

In order to ensure a successful interview, applicants should know something in advance about a potential employer. This information will benefit them in two ways:
Help them decide whether or not they really care to work for the company.
Help them be prepared to respond without hesitation when asked why they want to work for that particular company.

Prepare Interview Questions in Advance

Invariably, applicants are asked if they have any questions, and it’s far better to respond with a few intelligent, well-thought-out questions than to ask pointless questions or have none at all. What types of questions should applicants ask? Here are a few suggestions:
What opportunities for advancement does the company offer?
What benefits does the company provide, for example, health insurance, sick leave, vacation time, retirement plan, stock options, etc?
Does the company provide training programs or reimburse employees for educational expenses?

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